Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Life is a collection of moments. 
Moments when you were sad, moments when you were happy. 
Moments when you had won, moments when you had lost. 
Moments of immense success...moments of intense failure.
But , at the end of the day, I believe , we all remember the moments when we defied the rules.
The moments we did socially unacceptable stupid things.
The moments we were unnecessarily nice or obnoxiously rude.
The moments we loved someone we shouldn't.
The moments we did things that were not expected from us.
I say, be that anomaly at-least once every day.
Every day do something eccentric, however small it might be.
Buy that neon T shirt people said you were too old to wear.
Wear that blue lipstick that makes you look like a joker.
Tell that person who is out of your league how majorly you are crushing on him.
Be cheesy , be romantic.
Wear your heart on your sleeves.
Get it broken and watch how beautifully it gets fixed.
To hell with common sense. Something that has the word "common" in it cannot be something worth having.
Dream weird, dream big.
Life , as I said are full of moments, moments that define us, own us.
Have a few moments that do not define or own you.
Have a few moments that you define, you own instead